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Having the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce on your side means you have an advocate. You have someone you can call anytime about anything. Whether you’re running into trouble getting permits for your business or finding a site location for your store, the BVCC has the connections to help you out and get it done.

Just a few of the things we can help you with are:

Legislative Issues

Stay on top of the latest in legislation that could affect the way you do business The BVCC is in constant contact with our seven Massachusetts State legislators and also our U.S. Senators and Congressmen. We hold annual Legislative and Congressional Breakfasts, as well as a State House Day, where you can join the Chamber President at the State House in Boston to attend one on one appointments with our State legislators to address issues specific to your business. We have memberships and partnerships in organizations that alert us to proposed legislation and committee considerations that could develop into laws and referendums which could be detrimental to small business. Let the BVCC advocate for you!

Advocacy Partners the BVCC works closely with

Visit these websites to see proposed legislation and issues that could affect your business.

So whether you’re a new store who needs help getting through bureaucratic red tape or an established entrepreneur who has a questions about how new legislature will affect your business, we have the answers you need. Reach out today!

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