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BOSTON – State Senator Ryan Fattman (R-Sutton) and State Representative David Muradian (RGrafton) announced a $25,000 grant for the Blackstone Valley Hub for Workforce Development. The grant was administered through the Executive Office of Workforce Development (EOLWD) through the Apprenticeship Expansion, Construction Diversity, and Innovation Fund. The grant will train five apprentices through the Hub. The Blackstone Valley Hub for Workforce Development has a placement commitment from Primetals Technologies in Sutton, and will be working with Lampin Corporation to place employees through this program as well.

As part of EOLWD, the Division of Apprentice Standards administers this initiative to expand Registered Apprenticeship to priority industries, to diversify the existing apprenticeship workforce, and to enhance apprenticeship programs in Massachusetts as part of the Commonwealth’s Apprenticeship Expansion Plan.

Applications to this fund are accepted and reviewed at least bi-annually. EOLWD has awarded $2.7 million thus far in FY22 to 19 organizations throughout the Commonwealth.

“The Blackstone Valley Hub for Workforce Development is a champion of growing and teaching the workforce of the Blackstone Valley,” said Senator Fattman. “They have worked hard to receive this competitive grant, and I know the funds will be used to have a tremendous impact on our region.”

“The Blackstone Valley Hub for Workforce Development is a vital organization that continues to make strives throughout the Commonwealth, especially within the Blackstone Valley corridor,” stated Representative Muradian. “I was so excited to hear that the Hub was selected as a grant recipient, and I look forward to seeing the amazing work these five future apprentices learn!”

“The Blackstone Valley Hub for Workforce Development is very pleased to continue our close collaboration with the Executive Office for Workforce Development to provide apprenticeship programs that meet the need for upskilling employees at local manufacturers to ensure their competitiveness,” said Bob Evans, Operations Director for the Blackstone Valley Hub for Workforce Development.

Jared Wheelock, Manufacturing Technology Manager for Primetals Technologies said, “Manufacturing entities around the world are facing an employee skills gap, and here in Sutton Ma, Primetals Technologies is no different. We lean heavily on apprenticeship programs offered at the Blackstone Valley Hub to build up the workforce skills necessary to operate a top tier manufacturing facility here in central MA.”

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