Monday Update
April 6th, 2020
See how the BV Ed Hub is stepping up to help during the COVID -19 Crisis
The four 3D printers at the Blackstone Valley Education Hub, or the Ed Hub, in Whitinsville are “running day and night,” said Jeannie Hebert, president and CEO of the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce.
The Ed Hub’s efforts, spearheaded by Hebert and Mark Lyons of Advanced Educational Technologies Labs have resulted in the production and distribution of about 500 face shields to area hospitals and health care facilities, which are very much in need of personal protective equipment (PPE) while combating the coronavirus pandemic.

“I talked to a doctor and showed her the design,” Lyons said. “She thanked me for saving her life. That’s how important these things are.”
Go Fund Me COVID-19 Medical Face Shield Project
Please help by donating to support this 3D printing project being lead by several Technical High Schools throughout the Northeast. The need for medical shields to protect our front line heroes are in high demand. In order to meet the demand, funds are needed to purchase supplies. The team has been flooded by support across Massachusetts and New York to print face shields and demand is increasing. All donations are appreciated. Stay safe everyone!
SBA Resources through CARES Act
The CARES Act makes substantial funding available to support small businesses impacted by the coronavirus through the Small Business Administration, both through new programs and adjustments to existing programs. I’m hopeful that you will share these resources widely with businesses in your circles.
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a loan program designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep workers on the payroll. Loans are up to $10M, with a 0.5% interest rate and a 2-year maturity; there are no payments for the first six months.
  • Who can apply? Businesses, non-profits, Veterans organizations, Tribal concerns, sole proprietorships, self-employed individuals, and independent contractors, with 500 or fewer employees.
  • When can I apply? The Paycheck Protection Program will be available beginning on Friday, April 3rd. Applications must be submitted by June 30, 2020.
  • How do I apply? You can apply for the Paycheck Protection Program through any existing SBA 7(a) lender or through any participating federally insured depository institution, federally insured credit union, or Farm Credit institution. Ask your local lender if it is participating in the program.
  • What else should I know? The SBA will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities. The program will be available retroactive from February 15, 2020, so employers can rehire their recently laid-off employees through June 30, 2020.
  • Read more here:
Please visit for up to date information on loan packages from emergency guaranteed loans up to 10 million dollars and emergency bridge loans $25,000.00 or less. Some include payment deferments are up to 12 months.
Help with immediate relief!
Massachusetts Legislature Passes Bill to Provide Immediate Relief to Municipalities and Others During the Ongoing COVID-19 Crisis
On Friday April 3, 2020, the House and Senate passed a bill to provide necessary relief to municipalities, taxpayers, restaurants, and state authorities impacted by the COVID-19 crisis and the resulting state of emergency.

The bipartisan legislation includes:
· An extension of the state income tax filing deadline for residents
· Addresses disruptions in municipal tax collections and permitting
· Allows licensed restaurants to sell certain alcoholic beverages with food take-out and delivery orders, among other provisions.

The major provisions of the bill are as follows:
Tax Deadline Extension
The bill extends the 2019 state individual income tax filing and payment deadline to July 15 and is consistent with the new federal deadline.
Restaurant Service
Restaurants and other establishments licensed to sell alcohol for on-premises consumption may now sell wine and beer with food takeout and delivery - restoring a crucial source of revenue.
Municipal Governance
This legislation:
· Allows extensions for property tax exemption and deferrals from April 1 to June 1, 2020
· Modifies the permitting process to ensure flexibility for applicants and status hearing processes
· Allows annual town meetings to be delayed beyond June 30, 2020
· Enables a town moderator, or person designated as such, to reschedule town meetings for up to 30 days, and to do so multiple times if needed
· Permits municipalities to utilize retired employees and lifts pension-related hour restrictions for employees who return to work as it relates to COVID-19 response
· Prohibits essential services, provided by the city or town, from being terminated as a result of a missed or late payment
· Makes adjustments to the budgeting process enabling municipalities to meet fiduciary responsibilities and provide residential resources.
State and Federal Tax Filing Deadlines and CARES Act Summaries
Federal Returns Due Dates and Covid-19 Relief
Tax returns, payments and first quarter estimated tax payments due April 15, 2020 will not have to be filed and paid until July 15, 2020. No interest, penalty, or addition to tax for failure to file a federal income tax return or to pay federal income tax will accrue between April 15,2020 and July 15, 2020, for any return or payment postponed by the notice. Click here to see Federal Due Dates List
In addition to the extended due date of tax returns and payments, the relief also extends the time to contribute to your IRA account, HSA or Archer MSA, SEP IRA accounts and Profit-Sharing accounts.
Looking for more information? Click on the link to access the IRS Filing and Payment Deadlines Questions and Answers page.
Massachusetts has extended the due date for filing Individual Income Tax Returns and payment July 15, 2020. It has come to our attention that Massachusetts has not yet extended the due date for estimated tax payments due on April 15, 2020. We are monitoring this situation and waiting for the Massachusetts legislature to provide regulations which will hopefully extend the estimated tax deadline in addition to the filing and payment deadline.
Please note: Fiduciary and corporate tax returns and payments are still currently due April 15, 2020. Click here to see State Due Dates List


SCORE Boston Small Business Webinars

Given by the SBA, this webinar is designed to give the most up-to-date information and a potential opportunity to ask questions to an SBA representative
April 8 2020 11:00am
As humans we are naturally social creatures. We exist best when we are within communities. Social distancing is not part of our DNA, however it has fast become a necessity within today's current situation. Without knowing how long the need for isolation will persist, how can we energize and inspire not only ourselves but others during these unprecedented times. Join us for this conversation on ways to inspire and stay inspired while isolated.
April 22 2020 11:00am
"In every adversity lies the seed of an equal or greater opportunity." This famous quote from Napoleon Hill looks to the brighter side of a dark situation. During these times, focusing our thoughts in positive ways can help as we are constantly getting bombarded with negative news and information. Come to this session for some positivity and to brainstorm ideas for identifying opportunities for you and your business/career within these challenging times.
April 15 2020 11:00am
As we grapple with a New Reality, a myriad of concerns begin to consume us as we try to survive this crisis. During these unprecedented times, followers will be looking to their leaders for reassurance. And while "Hope is Not a Strategy", it does play an important role as we lead our teams through these challenging times. Join this session to understand the needs of those we influence, whether employees, customers, family, etc.

As we grapple with a New Reality, a myriad of concerns begin to consume us as we try to survive this crisis. During these unprecedented times, followers will be looking to their leaders for reassurance. And while "Hope is Not a Strategy", it does play an important role as we lead our teams through these challenging times. Join this session to understand the needs of those we influence, whether employees, customers, family, etc.
April 29 2020 11:00am
Complete and utter disruption has been thrusted upon our lives. As we deal with a New Reality that is constantly evolving with every minute of every hour of each day, maintaining focus can be challenging not knowing what is changing within the world of business or how long it will last. For many, survival is at the forefront of our minds. The stability and predictability of Business as Usual has vanished. And just as Hope is not a Strategy, nor is Panic. This session will focus on brainstorming beyond survival to

For more details and to sign up, please click on the link(s) above. Please note that you need to register for each 60-minute webinar separately.
Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce Business Survey
We at the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce and Discover Central Mass are concerned about our businesses and organizations as we are all navigating uncharted waters in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here is the link to the survey:

Our goal with this questionnaire is to better understand your business needs so that we can properly advocate on your behalf to federal, state, and local officials. We are communicating regularly with these leaders as we seek to craft solutions that will assist businesses, save jobs, and help those who have been adversely impacted by this crisis – from both a health and economic perspective.

Please take a few minutes to let us know how best we can support you.

Thank you,
  • Worcester Chamber & Discover Central Mass
Central Massachuetts Regional Planning Commission Business Impact Survey
If you are a business owner, community leader, or municipal economic development committee in Southern Worcester County and are looking for help navigating the many State, Federal or Local resources that have been rolled out in response to the Covid-19 outbreak, please contact Kerrie Salwa, for direction to these resources. If you are a current business
owner: Please access the survey using the link below so we have a better idea of the needs of our region. Thank you.
New Members of the BVCC
Please take moment and check out our most recent new members. Support them if you are able by purchasing gift cards, ordering take-out, or scheduling an appointment for a later date. We thank you all! Welcome New BVCC Members!
?Grafton Country Store · Carol Dauphinais · 2 Grafton Common, P.O. Box 554, Grafton, MA 01519 · 508-839-4898 · · · Retail Gift Shop

Evergreen Center · Kelsey McGoldrick · 345 Fortune Blvd., Milford, MA 01757 · 508-478-2631 · · · Non-profit/Human Resource/Health Care

Metrowest Embroidery · Mike Smith · 375 Hill Street, Whitinsville, MA 01588 · 617-388-3364 · · · Embroidery

Julie French Interiors · Julie F. Woodward · Sutton, MA 01527 · 508-523-1209 · · · Interior Design

Praesidium Security Inc. · Jess Bly · 38 crownshield Avenue, Uxbridge, MA 01569 · 508-221-2480 · · · Security

Central Massachusetts Disaster Animal Response Team · JoAnn Griffin · P.O. Box 1317, Douglas, MA 01516 · 508-476-2873 · · · Volunteer Animal Disaster Response

National Gallery Framing and Gifts · Denise Kirk · 15 Old Farm Road, Auburn, MA 01501 · 508-581-9550 · · Custom Framing
As a reminder, the BVCC Office is closed to in person meetings this week, but please do not hesitate to contact the staff of the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce. We are here to ensure your questions get answered, and your business needs are met.

Remote contact info:

Jeannie Hebert President & CEO cell #: (508) 981 5782
Liz O’Neil Programs and Events Coordinator
Julia Juskavitch Marketing Coordinator
Marcia Decker and Judy Curtis Administration