Virtual Live Trivia! Topic: General Knowledge. Join us for a fun night of quiz trivia!
Here’s how it works:
The event will begin with a welcome from WSN at 4:45pm followed by instruction and the game which starts at 5pm.
Once everyone is on the Zoom, the Game Host will give everyone instructions on how to change your screen name so the teams can be organized.
The game is divided in to two halves.
In each half, you can wager 1,3, 5, or 7 points, based on how sure the team is about the answer. In the second half, wager 2,4,6 or 8
There is a picture round after the first half, and there is a bonus round after the second half
Then, two final questions; wager between 2-10 points each, even numbers only. If you get it right, you get the points! If you get it wrong, half of your wager is deducted
To play, after each question, you’ll be sent to a breakout room to discuss the answer with your team. You won’t be able to see the slideshow or talk to the host-but you can move back & forth.
Only the Team Captain submits answers. Once submitted, there is no editing.
No cheating! Don’t Google the answer (#honorsystem)